Germany: Likely future government supports cannabis legalisation

Germany: Likely future government supports cannabis legalisation

The country’s next coalition government plans to keep cannabis tightly regulated, party representatives said. Recreational use of cannabis is only legal in two other EU countries. Germany’s future coalition of the Social Democrats (SPD), Green party, and Free Democrats (FDP), have signalled that they are seriously considering legalizing the possession of cannabis. Representatives from the parties told…

Cannabidiol: The ultimate investor’s guide to a potential $64 billion global market

Cannabidiol: The ultimate investor’s guide to a potential $64 billion global market

Cannabis has been used as medicine for thousands of years. Ancient Indian, Chinese, and Egyptian civilisations have all employed it to cure various illnesses. But increasing recreational use and perceived harm to society meant that it has been outlawed in many countries since the early 20th century. In the US for example, cannabis was restricted…

ECS Botanics Managing Director Message: Why Australia for Medicinal Cannabis

ECS Botanics Managing Director Message: Why Australia for Medicinal Cannabis

Dear shareholders, FY21 has been a defining year for the company as we start to leverage assets that we have established in proceeding years. These include our production base, industry leading team and culture, intellectual property and systems. As a result, the company is at a major inflection point. We are now in a position…

Is medical marijuana legal in Australia – A Budding Industry

Is medical marijuana legal in Australia – A Budding Industry

Australia has the potential to become the international gold standard for production of medicinal marijuana and multiple ASX-listed companies are seeking to benefit. – Is medical marijuana legal in Australia: Manufacturing of medicinal cannabis products has been legal in Australia since 2016-Australian revenue from medicinal cannabis projected to double in 2021 to $200m-Australia has the potential…

Akerna News: Women Are Consuming More Cannabis Every Year

Akerna News: Women Are Consuming More Cannabis Every Year

In every sector of culture and society, a shift towards greater diversity is moving the needle on what, and who is considered “typical”. This is as true in the realm of cannabis consumption as anywhere else, with the stereotype of surfer dude stoners and glazed and confused couch potatoes making way for women as the…