‘Our first cannabis crops failed, but we learned along the way’

‘Our first cannabis crops failed, but we learned along the way’

Having a regulatory compliance expert for a husband may have kick-started her cannabis career, but Nan-Maree Schoerie is ploughing her own path in the industry. In the first of a two-part interview with Cannabiz, she tells of the early days of Murray Meds and explains why greenhouse growing is no longer sustainable in Australia. Sometimes in…

ECS Botanics Managing Director Message: Why Australia for Medicinal Cannabis

ECS Botanics Managing Director Message: Why Australia for Medicinal Cannabis

Dear shareholders, FY21 has been a defining year for the company as we start to leverage assets that we have established in proceeding years. These include our production base, industry leading team and culture, intellectual property and systems. As a result, the company is at a major inflection point. We are now in a position…