Meet The ECS Botanics
Medicinal Cannabis Cultivation
Advisory Board

Medicinal Cannabis Cultivation Advisory Board

ECS’ Medicinal Cannabis Cultivation Advisory Board consists of leading experts in the Cultivation, Manufacture and Regulatory aspects of producing Medicinal Cannabis. From providing GMP training to assessing nutrient requirements this Board actively engages with our team and have already made a considerable contribution to our business. Their on-going contribution will help ECS address new challenges as well as meet our objectives to continuously improve.

Tad Hussey

Owner Kis Organics

Based in Washington USA, Tad is at the cutting edge of organic growing and science. His Cannabis podcast has had over 1 million downloads and he is found saying “Too much of the information surrounding cannabis is myth and speculation that has been spread through internet forums and poor science. My aim with this podcast is to bridge the gap between horticulture and cannabis growers based on our experience, scientifically-supported principles, and to debunk many of the myths surrounding this industry.” Tad’s company

Keep It SimpleInc (KIS) has evolved as a family business over the past decade into a multi-faceted organisation that offers unique biological, organic and mineral amendments at affordable prices for gardeners. KIS Farm is a combination edible nursery, production greenhouse, outdoor preschool, organic hydro shop, and feed store located in Redmond, WA.


Bryant Mason – AKA The Soil Doctor

Certified Crop Advisor, American Association of Agronomy

Bryant is a Certified Crop Advisor through the American Association of Agronomy, and a member of the Soil Science Society of America. He is an expert in soil and crop nutrition, with a focus on soilless media. He has consulted with over 250 cannabis growers to optimize their soil and crop nutrition organically. He has 8 years of experience as a cannabis and vegetable grower.

Trevor Schoerie

Trevor Schoerie

Managing Director – PharmOut

Trevor is an experienced business leader and has previously held senior management positions in the pharmaceutical industry. Trevor’s founded PharmOut in 2006, an internationally recognised multi-disciplinary consultancy serving the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory agencies.

Since 2016, PharmOut has became heavily involved in consulting to the medicinal cannabis industry, commencing with the assistance of an Australian state government in the attainment of a TGA GMP manufacturing license in April 2017 for medicinal cannabis. Trevor routinely works with and trains both industry and the regulators in a wide range of GMP topics as well as medicinal cannabis.

Trevor regularly presents at conferences and conducts training courses on the design, scale up and operation of medicinal cannabis facilities.